Gas springs for dental X-Ray units Kodak 2200 / 2100 / Trophy Elitys - 9.500 ₽!
Gas springs for Kodak (Carestream) 2200, Кодак 2100 and Trophy Elitys in stock.

New and original gas spring (made in France/Germany) from original kit «SPJW132»!
This spare part is compartible with*:
- Kodak (Carestream) 2200
- Kodak (Carestream) 2100
- Kodak (Carestream) 2000
- Trophy Elitys
- *for use without the Kodak RVG Intelligent Positioning System (IPS)

Often after four or five years of use the supporting arm gas spring may become weak and require replacement - You do not need to pay for new supporting arm! You can change only this new gas spring!
Yes! Sure we can also install it! Special price for the replacement of this part! Upon purchase from us, the cost of its replacement - from five thousand rubles only, depending on a geographical arrangement of the device.
«Kodak Carestream gas spring»
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07.апр.20 12:26
The Carestream Vita Flex CR delivers high-quality digital images to speed workfow and improve patient care, and offers a range of throughput rates to match your workfow needs. Compact design makes it a great fit for smaller spaces. And its affordable price tag makes it possible on nearly any budget.
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Special offer for the gas spring and it's installation to repair Kodak 2200, Kodak 2100 and Trophy Elitys!
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